New England Resource Links 


New England State Substance Use Disorder Agencies

The links below will connect you to New England single state substance use disorder agencies, state training organizations, and several other important resources.

Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
410 Capitol Ave. P.O. Box 341431
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-418-7000 or 800-446-7348
TDD: 860-418-6707

Maine Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Department of Health and Human Services
#159 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0159
Phone: 207-287-2595

Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Addiction Services
Department of Public Health
250 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02108
Phone: 617-624-5111
TTY: 617-536-5186

New Hampshire Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services
Department of Health and Human Services
State Office Park South
105 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-271-6100
TDD: 800-735-2964

Rhode Island Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention Services
Division of Behavioral Healthcare Services RI Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals
14 Harrington Road
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: 401-462-2338

Vermont Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs
Department of Health
108 Cherry Street,
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402-0070
Phone: (802) 651-1550

Some New England Regional Resources

AdCare Educational Institute
5 Northampton Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-752-7313
TTY: 508-754-0039

AdCare Educational Institute of Maine
PO Box 4839, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-626-3615

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Substance Use and Mental Health Initiative
One Medical Center Drive
Lebanon, NH 03756

New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center
Brown University
Box G-S121 Providence, RI 02912
Phone: 401-863-6486

New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center
PO Box 4839, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-626-3615

New Hampshire Training Institute on Addictive Disorders
130 Pembroke Road, Suite 100
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-225-7060

Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council of RI
200 Metro Center Blvd, Unit 10 Warwick RI 02886
Phone: 401-521-5759